Saturday, July 4, 2009

The lasting effects of drinking Buffalo Lithia Water

The painting is Buffalo Bottle, acrylic, 18x24. I donated the painting to an SPCA auction several years ago; a neighbor bought it--now it's part of her collection. The tree is in my back yard.
As everyone hustled around doing Fourth of July things today--boating, parading, swimming, and cooking out--I watched from the porch; then had dinner at a local restaurant. Growing up, our celebrations were minimal--fireworks (and accidents), laughter and bandages.
Living only a mile from Buffalo Lithia Springs might have contributed to our laid-back demeanor; surely, our well water also contained a bit of lithium (and we filled bottles at the Springs). I googled some ads which first appeared around 1886: "Nerve tonic, Anti-dyspeptic & Restorative.........Far Superior to the Lithia tablet." Stories circulate about people who were mentally fine until they left Buffalo Springs. I think I was okay when I lived in MD/DC; well, sometimes a bit edgy.
My water bottles are empty--tomorrow I'll make the seven-mile trip to the Springs for refills.


  1. I always enjoy seeing paintings of glass. This is really nice and I love the story behind it.

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  2. Hallie, This is a nice painting. I love your treatment of the glass and the gnarly tree. Great story. I think I need to sample your water... -Don

  3. Hallie, Your water sounds like a substitute for wine! I love your bottle and the tree, great job. Alston
