There are ten feet in my yard--six lefts and four rights; they were in the bottom of my 40's shopping cart which is in the workshop. Since I don't like even numbers, I'll have to eliminate one or buy another one. These could be feet for the ducks or feet for the newel posts. Some appear to be made of walnut and one pair is painted blue. A wrought-iron tea cart (an auction find) was missing its two small back wheels. The feet worked well; I named it "Blue Suede Shoes Cart" and used it in my living room. Give junk a title and it becomes art!
this brings all kinds of ideas --aesthetics ideas ;) to my mind;
on another note i was talking to a good friend yesterday who grew up and has family in Montgomery Co Md. He lived in Bethesda among other towns there.
oops the 2nd link should've been:
I checked out Headwrapper's blog when he left these comments--my "shoes" photo looks a lot like his "cars" photo.