Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Reading Dreams

Untitled, created in SketchbookPro on iPad
Our local newspaper sometimes has an insert called Lake Country Living.  I was surprised to see an article by my blogger friend Celeste Bergin on Page 4.
Unfortunately, I woke up this morning before I could read the article (I often dream of reading newspapers, scientific books, poems, and lawyer stuff).  I remember the title, that it was the left-hand column, half-way down the page.  Had I stayed asleep and actually read the article, it probably would have said that Celeste has worked hard to earn what sounds like the wonderful artist's life--the classes, the shows, the coffee-shops-in-Portland, museum visits, hanging out with other artists.  She has earned the gifts and now enjoys them.

I cannot guess why the article was illustrated with this atrocious gaudy boudoir chair--deep red cushion, white wood with gold paint, curlicues.  I don't think it's Celeste's taste and I don't remember seeing one on Antique Road Show (and that's the way it was facing in my dream newspaper--I would have flipped it).  

Hallie's Cleaning Tips--I have none.  Quentin Crisp said cobwebs soften corners and when you've got a quarter inch of dust, no more accumulates. 

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  1. Hallie! Thanks so much for getting my name right! .....This is fantastic and I'm sure *I* wrote a great article in your dream! LOL! You are correct, I do subscribe to this idea, that all of us (who are interested in the visual arts) are blessed .....and further, that anyone who wants to should throw their hat into the ring. One of my very best counting you among my best blogging friends. Your friendship means a lot to me! Tthanks for making me an author ---that is SO COOL....and I approve of that chair!

  2. P.S. I will check with you when I need to clean that ornate bench and the "layout" that you did is really great..esp the "spotlight"

  3. Thanks Celeste. Your comments came in when I was re-thinking whether I should post this. I'm glad you approve of the bench; it looks like it belongs in a house of ill repute (as seen on TV). ha

  4. What a fabulous post! Had me chuckling out loud by the end of it. But you are right about Celeste; she does have a fabulous artist life!

    1. Thanks, Crimson Leaves. Celeste probably has to get up extra early to enjoy that arty life.

  5. Hallie, perhaps I sent you thoughts from Quebec City where such a bench is not uncommon. Love that your dreams are so inspirational and that iPad is always handy.

    Thanks for your comment on my sketch. I published it and two others and had a glitch. Yours did not take though it shows in my dashboard as published. I see no way to republish so I included it in my own comment. I just posted my second view of QC and now its on to Il de Orleans.

    We found a sneaky way to get out of the remodel mess -- travel!

    1. Hi Mary. Maybe it was you; I imagine Quebec leans towards the French style--this one appears to be faux French.

      Great idea to get out of the house during remodeling. I rented an apartment up the street for nine months when we rebuilt (and my husband stayed in our tiny guest house in our back yard). Sparse furniture and no phone or TV in my apartment but I had canvases and acrylic paints--loved it. Enjoy your next stop.

  6. Your sense of humour is wonderful Hallie!

    1. HI Carole. Humor helps and I always enjoy the strange dreams.

  7. Another wonderful post Hallie! Celeste epitomizes the artist who makes it look easy but in truth works very hard to earn all of her accomplishments.
    Both you and Celeste are artists I look up to and am always eager to follow. Thanks for sharing your dream and thoughts.
    I quite like the chair. It's not afraid to be outlandish. Cats would favor it.

    1. Thank you PAMO. You're right about the cats. After I published this entry, I remembered that Celeste's cat Mufosa would probably love that red cushion.

  8. LOL...Hallie, you are fabulous !

    1. Thanks Jane. I believe I need to dream less and paint more.

  9. Great post!!! Laughed and enjoyed!!

  10. I am so glad I am not the only one that has dreamed of blogging friends! ;)

    1. And when I dream of you, Dan, I hope it won't be too risqué to publish.

    2. I expect it will be, but don't worry, I'm used to it. It's the cross I must bear. Sigh.

  11. Your dreams are so interesting, and that you remember enough of one to re-create it, sounds and looks therapeutic. I wonder what Freud would say about this one.

  12. Hi Robin. I don't know what Freud would say--I can usually trace my dreams to something from the previous day. I catch up on blog reading late at night.

    I remember another reading dream from several years ago. I read that Gustav Klimt stole an ornate brass cash register that was so heavy he dropped it in the street. Later I realized that the cash register looked very much like the dress in The Kiss (and Mr. Lauder had just bought one of his paintings for $$$$$). Made me wonder if he overpaid. I still remember the b&w photo that accompanied the "newspaper" article.

  13. DON said:

    "The words in your illustration are just like the words in any book I've tried to read in a dream. Since I love to read, it always frustrates me that the books in my dreams are unreadable. I wonder what Jung or Freud would have to say about that.

    "I'll bet Celeste's article would have been some of the best reading ever. Sorry you didn't get a chance to find out."

    1. Sorry, Don. When I tried to "mash" PUBLISH, my fat finger must have mashed DELETE instead (on my iPad). Jung and Freud might say that, since we don't follow directions anyway, why waste dream time reading? I'm happy to know someone else dreams about reading; sometimes I actually can read the words and remember them.
