Here in SOVA, we were fortunate--only about 2 inches of snow. Today I hung my hubcap wreaths and found the extension cord for the bird bath heater. A sore throat and runny nose has put me further behind schedule than usual.
Being sick gave me an excuse to take it easy and read a book. I chose A FINE DISREGARD--WHAT MAKES MODERN ART MODERN by Kirk Varnedoe, who was at MOMA--it had been on the bookshelf for two years. I was surprised to learn that many of the artists I like are considered modern--I don't know movements and isms. There was mention of a small book entitled Flatland by A. Square, which intrigues me. I have no talent for teaching so the ideas just enter my head and rattle around. It is a great book and, like all books, leads to more questions.

I feel better; now I need to set up the guest house--my son will arrive Wednesday; clean and decorate the house (I am a minimalist); find and wrap the gifts I bought during the year; and prepare for the annual Christmas breakfast (my favorite was when I dropped the dozen uncooked scrambled eggs on the floor, the wall and on me).
January may be my favorite month.
Great wreaths! You have a flair for both great design and originality. I'm sorry that you've been ill and hope you're on the mend. I haven't read Varnddoe's book, but it sounds interesting. BTW, your son sounds great! Can you send him this way when he's done there? I could use some help :-)
ReplyDeleteKathy, after reading your comment, I changed the punctuation in my blog. My son visits for the holidays--the work is all mine. (I never learned the art of delegating.)
ReplyDeleteI just love your hubcap wreaths. They are very unique. This could be a real business venture for me. There's a big hole in the pavement just beyond my house and sometimes the cars that travel too fast hit it hard and off goes the hubcap. Would this be considered "found art"? How do you come by your hubcaps?
Hi Margaret. Believe it or not, there is someone in this area who has a business like you describe--he doesn't turn them into wreaths, though. I "found" mine at the thrift shop, where they hang on a wall, $2 each. The worker was a bit confused when I said I wanted the one that looked like a poinsetta.
ReplyDeleteMy small white house has a red tin roof--I hang these on my picket fence and get smiles. The best part is outside decorating is a ten-minute job.
I love your hubcap wreaths... especially the poinsettia one... Merry Christmas, my friend. Glad you're feeling better...
hubcap wreaths! that is just genius. I hope you feel better soon. I am very behind this year and reading your post made me reflect on how it is best to just take it all as it comes. Glad you got a chance to read a book!
ReplyDeleteDon, thanks. I notice that you know how to spell poinsettia correctly.
ReplyDeleteCeleste, years ago I got the flu in December but kept going; ended up in the hospital for three weeks with pneumonia. I learned. Glad you liked the wreaths.
hw Great wreaths! There's some assemblage collage going on there!
ReplyDeleteIndigomar. That's great. When my neighbors ask "Are those hubcaps?" I can tell them it's assemblage collage and watch them roll their eyes. Thanks; this will be fun.
ReplyDeleteThose wreaths are eye catching! Your neighbors may roll their eyes- but you know they love every minute of living next to an artist. Hang on baby- January is almost here. Enjoy your family and holidays.
ReplyDeleteHa and LOL Can't wait to hear how that goes!
ReplyDeletePamo, thanks. Actually my neighbors are great and very supportive. We're one of those nice streets whose residents are from all over the country and we have lots of casual get-togethers. We're called the Commerce Street Gang and we have a few members from the other side of town.
ReplyDeleteIndigomar, I'll let you know how it goes; I just hope I can remember "assemblage collage" at the right moment. Our town's revitalization committee chairman is a friend--she turned down my offer to make some of these for our main street!
NO way! What a great offer! So distinctive! It's interesting how you and your art become one! Talk about authentic. And, I can't spell poinsettia without looking..! Fun posting!
ReplyDeleteMy offer was a a bit of a joke--this is a very traditional small southern town. They will always go with green wreaths on all the lamp posts--our main street is beautiful at Christmastime.
ReplyDeleteI scrolled down and saw the turkay post! You are so funny. You actually paint a great picture with your words!! Why don't you write a short story and illustrate it.!?! I also like your hub cap wreaths - a LOT!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Sue. My parents had great humor; they taught me to laugh at myself--a survival skill.