Untitled, acrylic on panel, 14x11
I know--my paintings always have titles (this looks a bit like Boy George or the redhead from Mad Men). Those curlicues are part of the easel.
I'm a member of the Convergence Art Guild in Halifax VA. On Thursday evening, the Halifax Chamber of Commerce and guests converged on the Guild and I was one of, I believe, ten artists who agreed to paint or draw something in just one hour; followed by a silent auction with proceeds going to the Guild. During my 25-mile drive to the Guild I made the decision of what to paint--on Sunday I had seen a large floor model bullet-shaped chrome hair dryer at an estate sale; probably a 1950's model. I didn't buy it ($50), I didn't photograph it, and I couldn't find it on Google--I remembered the shape and "Hoover." Members and guests of the Chamber thought I might be painting the Pope (I thought of Sir Frances Bacon; others thought it might be a Bishop). At 7 p.m. I signed the painting--larger than normal--and thought I'd be bringing it home where I'd follow Celeste Bergin's example--I'd sand it off and repaint.
Wrong! All the paintings sold. The owner of this one is the Town Manager of Halifax, Carl Espy--young and handsome. I was okay with the sale during most of my drive home. Then it hit me--do I really want people to see this? Can I ask Mr. Espy to attach a note to the painting explaining that it was done in one hour? I think I have a plan. There is a group show coming up next month. I like the concept of this painting; with no audience and a bit more time I can paint a better version. And, with a bit more money, Mr. Espy can trade in this version for a new improved model!
It was an enjoyable evening. The other artists produced good work; they were: Don Bagwell, Peggy Blount, Maxine Dunninger, Dianne Hills, Nelly Z. Jones, Ron Miller, Rebecca Rodgers, Steve Schopen (who finished two), and I'm missing a name. Had I been smart I would have gotten a bidder's number and brought some of those pieces home to Clarksville; I'm not sure that was allowed. (I have photos of the other works but failed to get permission to include them on my blog.)
Oct 23. I just received a compliment on my "Vacuum Pope." (Maybe a title?)
Oct 23. I just received a compliment on my "Vacuum Pope." (Maybe a title?)